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Young Ninja Group (ages 3-5)

공개·회원 10명

Parker Thomas
Parker Thomas

Mirror Of Society

Fashion is an innate part of the human society. Fashion found its existence in this world, since the mankind started covering up with leaves, grass, animal skin, fur, bones, etc. The material they used to drape themselves tells a lot about the prevailing conditions of the society. Clothing is a mere part of fashion which emerged when the simple needles made out of animal bone were used to sew leather and fur garments. Thus fashion is beyond clothing and styling. Fashion is a medium that not only portrays a society but also shows the choices of an individual. It helps people display their attitude, define their personality and communicate their beliefs and ideas in a silent yet very powerful manner. Hence fashion is a social phenomenon which comprises of: style of dress, literature, art, architecture, behavioural patterns, prevalent social trends, economy etc.

Mirror Of Society

The industrial revolution led to technological advances like machine spinning, power weaving, synthetic dyes, the invention of sewing machine, etc. It made good clothing affordable and accessible to all classes. Thus society was breaking it ties from social stratification.

"Cinema is an edited reality and a mirror of society. While society decides morality, films are desperate to connect with the audience and fulfil what the society fancies. In turn, the film affects the society; thus cinema and society reflects each other," said Javed Akhtar, the renowned poet, lyricist and screenwriter while speaking on 'Cinema & Society' in a live session last week.

"Devdas (1955) was filmed when the feudal system was prevalent. Devdas couldn't rebel against his parents and ended up destroying himself. But, the young generations protagonists protest against the things that Devdas couldn't, it reflects the changes in the new behavioural pattern of the new society," said Akhtar.

Throwing light on other changes in character portrayal, the poet revealed that the protagonists of earlier times were showcased as working-class people in contrast to the movies in the 90s that showcased them as wealthy, as this was preferred by society. "Thus, they change with aspirations and morality of society. Similarly, in the case of the antagonists in the movie, after independence and emergency, they were shown as political leaders or corrupt police officers, later with the evolution of the society came to the cross border terrorism movies, "he added.

Akhtar reminded the students that everyone should contribute to the club called life and make it better until we leave it, and this is what we owe towards society. "Life has no purpose, you have to create a purpose," said the Padma Shri awardee.

FREN 323 - French Popular Music: A Mirror of Society Prerequisite, FREN 201 . This course will explore French popular songs from post World War II to present day. From Edith Piaf to Daft Punk, students will be exposed to songs that reflect the evolution and the issues of French society. The effects of globalization, the youth culture and language, and the role of the artist will be emphasized. (Offered as needed.) 3 credits

Culture is the mirror of society that reflects the inner entity of a society and it vary from society to society and also generation to generation. It is the unique characteristics of a society. According to Tyler Culture is a complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, law, customs and any other capabilities acquired by man as a member of the society. It is the sum total of a given societies way of life moulded and shaped by prevailing circumstances and environment (Brown, 1990). Culture is a collective term for socially transmitted behaviour patterns.

Culture refers to the patterns of thought and behaviour of people. It includes values, beliefs, conduct, and patterns of social, political and economic entity. These are passed on from one generation to the next by formal as well as informal processes. Culture consists of the ways in which we think and act as members of a society.

Culture is the product of such an organization and expresses itself through language and art, philosophy and religion, social habits, customs, economic organisations and political institutions. People and culture are inseparable since there is no denial of the fact that what makes any human society is its culture. For a society to be societal it must be cultural ,therefore, society and culture is also intertwined.

Culture is a way of life. The food we eat, the clothes we wear, the language we speak in and the God you worship all are aspects of culture. In very simple terms, we can say that culture is the embodiment of the way in which we think and do things. It is also the things that we have inherited as members of society. All the achievements of human beings as members of social groups can be called culture. Art, music, literature, architecture, sculpture, philosophy, religion and science can be seen as aspects of culture.

Studio Nucleo, using Isentiment, an application born to capture the zeitgeist, has performed a series of queries,related with central human life themes: love, fear, family, work, religion, politics and sex.Studio Nucleo transforms the answers of the questions, asked to the users, in a series of histograms,that will becomes the shape of a mirror to testimony a specific reality.Every mirror is different.The answers generate a series of histograms that materialize into a collection of mirrors.This project is a first attempt to open its own work to a collaboration in open loop with the audience.

This essay provides a concise overview of "Law and Society" which covers historical and contemporary thought on the subject. The sections of the essay are: A mirror of society that functions to maintain social order; law as social ordering; the institutional form of law; the semi-autonomy of legal knowledge and processes; legal pluralism; law and society in the twenty-first century-law as an instrument.

Literature has had a major impact on the development of society. It has shaped civilisations, changed political systems and exposed injustice. Literature gives us a detailed preview of human experiences, allowing us to connect on basic levels of desire and emotion.

But what is today's youth reading? Are they reading at all? Notes spoke to university students and professors about the importance of literature for the young generation. While most students agreed that literature is crucial for the advancement of society, many could not name a book they recently read.

Art is a reflection of society. Because the arts include various branches of painting, music, literature, dance and other creative activity, they have a significant impact on society, religion, and education, thus deserve the same reverence bestowed upon the sciences.

We've gathered millions of mentions about over 1000 companies and created the comprehensive summary listing the most popular brands on the internet.","heroTop":"Top 3 European Brands in 2017 Ranking","heroMore":"...and see a lot more brands now!","topHeader":"Top 10 European Brands by category","topCategory":"fashion":"FASHION","food":"FOOD","beverages":"BEVERAGES","alcohol":"ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES","automotive":"AUTOMOTIVE","beauty":"HEALTH & BEAUTY","ecommerce":"E-COMMERCE","retail":"RETAIL","football":"SPORT CLUBS","finance":"FINANCE & BANKING","householdElectronics":"HOUSEHOLD ELECTRONICS","consumerElectronics":"CONSUMER ELECTRONICS","celebrities":"CELEBRITIES","politics":"POLITICIANS","telcom":"TELECOMS","tvSeries":"TV SERIES","topCategorySlug":"fashion":"fashion","food":"food","beverages":"beverages","alcohol":"alcoholic-beverages","automotive":"automotive","beauty":"health-beauty","ecommerce":"e-commerce","retail":"retail","football":"sport-clubs","finance":"finance-banking","householdElectronics":"household-electronics","consumerElectronics":"consumer-electronics","celebrities":"celebrities","politics":"politicians","telcom":"telecoms","tvSeries":"tv-series","banks":"socialindex-topcategory-banks","scoreTooltip":"Social Index score","positiveTooltip":"% of positive mentions","fullReportHeader":"Get the full report","fullReportText":"You can download the PDF report to see and compare the most popular brands in online media.","fullReportCta":"DOWNLOAD THE REPORT","otherMarketsHeader":"See other markets","otherMarketsText":"We\u2019ve localised Social Index so that you can check how each brand is doing in the chosen country.","otherMarkets":"en":"EUROPE","pl":"POLAND","de":"GERMANY","hu":"HUNGARY","cz":"CZECHIA","registerIncentiveHeader":"See how your brand is doing","registerIncentiveText":"Do you like what you read? 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We didn\u2019t take into consideration business or financial measurements.\r\n\r\nWe\u2019ve used SentiOne\u2019s proprietary algorithms to extract and analyse online mentions from thousands of online sources like social media, blogs, forums, review sites.\r\n\r\nOur objective is to benchmark brands according to the discussions that happen on the internet.","paywall":"header":"Top brands in 2017 - full report","copy":"By submitting your e-mail, you accept our terms and agree to receive marketing messages.","inputSubmit":"DOWNLOAD NOW","marketingAgree":"socialIndex.paywall.marketingAgree","getYourReport":"Get your report"},"socialIndex2018":"percentageTooltipText":"% of positive mentions","aianswers":"bookADemo":"Book a demo","getAQuote":"Get a quote","efficiency":"efficiency","time":"time","beautyReports":"download":"Download now","seeCharts":"See the charts","discover":"Discover the hits","trends":"Check the trends","influencerUseCase":"tryFreeNow":"Try free now","getStartedForFree":"Get started for free","contactUs":"formNameLabel":"Name","formEmailLabel":"Company email","formCompanyLabel":"Name of your company","formPhoneLabel":"Phone","formSelectLabel":"What does your matter concern?","formMessageLabel":"How can we help you?","formSubmitValue":"Submit","formTopicSales":"Sales","formTopicProductSupport":"Product Support","formTopicPR":"PR, Marketing, Cooperation","formTopicInvoices":"Invoices & Payments","formTopicCareers":"Careers","formSuccessMessage":"Your message has been sent","formThankYouMessage":"Thank you for reaching out to us.We'll get in touch with you as soon as possible!","formErrors":"checkboxRequired":"This checkbox is required","fieldRequired":"This field is required","phone":"Invalid phone number","email":"Invalid email address","companyEmail":"Ooops! 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