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Edward carefully maintained his charade as he conversed with prospective Templars - Woodes Rogers, whose wife had met Duncan, and Julien du Casse. Du Casse equipped Edward with a pair of Hidden Blades and requested that Edward show them some Assassin techniques in action; picking up on hints from Du Casse and Rogers, Edward was able to replicate the move set with relative accuracy.
After discreetly guiding the Jackdaw through the bayou, Edward snuck ashore and forcefully obtained the key to the storeroom holding the medicines. He returned to Queen Anne's Revenge with two crates, as well as the means to make more. Thatch congratulated him, but then revealed he would not be returning to Nassau, instead choosing to retire while he still had time to enjoy it.[1]
When he arrived, he found Vane angrily giving up on his attempts to bring Thatch back to the Pirate Republic; Edward reluctantly accepted that Thatch had no intention of returning, and instead decided to help him celebrate his retirement. As a parting gift, Thatch informed Edward that he had learned about a man named "Roberts", who was working on a slaver ship called Princess. Edward gratefully accepted the information, but soon spotted a local man acting suspiciously.
Roberts led Edward to an island heavily guarded by indigenous guardians whose presence made it impossible for the crew to reach the Observatory. Roberts directed Edward to clear a path, which he did successfully, leading them to a black geometric structure. Roberts identified the building as the Observatory, then promptly killed the crew, leaving Edward to carry a crate of blood vials inside.
On board, Roberts and Kenway fought one another, with Edward emerging victorious after impaling Roberts with his Sheng Biao. Remorsefully, Roberts remarked that perhaps Edward was indeed the one she had sought, and that he wished he had only had time to open the door to the Temple. He then died, requesting his body be destroyed to prevent the Templars acquiring it, before Edward could gain any more answers.
Edward, accompanied by Anne, again made his way through the jungle, eliminating the Grand Master's soldiers and freeing those Guardians that had been captured, before entering the Observatory. Inside, he was set upon by the Templars, but made full use of the complex's defenses, which had activated in responses to the Crystal Skull's removal, to dispose of them. Freerunning his way through the facility's ever-changing and disjointed architecture, Edward managed to reach Torres, and struck him down.
Ah Tabai then suggested Edward aid in the search for the missing blood vials, which had been removed since Edward's last visit. Edward agreed, but stated that he would return home to mend his relationship with Caroline first. Remorsefully, Ah Tabai handed Edward a letter which had arrived from England a week past. The letter stated that Caroline had died two years prior, and revealed that Edward had a daughter, Jennifer Scott.[1]