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Mini Dragon Group (ages 6-7)

공개·회원 28명

Valentine Ponomarev
Valentine Ponomarev

__HOT__ Download File Cosine .mp4

In April 2003, Apple brought mainstream attention to AAC by announcing that its iTunes and iPod products would support songs in MPEG-4 AAC format (via a firmware update for older iPods). Customers could download music in a closed-source Digital Rights Management (DRM)-restricted form of 128 kbit/s AAC (see FairPlay) via the iTunes Store or create files without DRM from their own CDs using iTunes. In later years, Apple began offering music videos and movies, which also use AAC for audio encoding.

Download File Cosine .mp4

With the rise of major audio and video streaming services such as Apple Music and Spotify in the past few years, many consumers around the world download, share, and receive audio files on a daily basis. Compared to the historical methods of listening to recorded music, such as vinyl records, video cassette tapes, and compact discs, digital audio has enabled consumers to listen to an unlimited number of songs without having to account for the constraints and limitations of physical objects that can take up space over time. However, while almost everyone listens to some form of digital music in the midst of our current internet age, the technology that allows such functionality is less talked about. To this point, three of the most popular audio file formats include M4A, MP3, and WAV files.

On the other end of the spectrum, WAV files are not as accessible to the general public as MP4 and MP3 files. In addition to the raw size of WAV files, the file type is also not compatible with popular cellular devices such as iPhones and Androids, as consumers looking to download and listen to WAV files via these devices will need to make use of a converter program or third party application to listen to these files. Nevertheless, in terms of the purest listening experience and audio quality, the uncompressed nature of WAV files means that they lose no quality from the original recording, enabling consumers to listen to certain audio content such as music in the manner in which the artist intended it to be heard.

Before getting started with the Quartz Composer TV Show screen saver, it is a good idea to pick a video test file and put it in an easily memorable place (I'm going to use a video of my kid, he loves to see himself on the internet). The file should be something OS X can easily play: a plain old .mov file or an .mp4 should be fine. For the purposes of this hack I've placed a file called on the desktop but any place you want to keep it is fine.

With the test file in place, it is time to start using Quartz Composer. Quartz Composer is located in the Developer folder which is located at the root of the hard drive by default so if you've installed Apple's Developer Tools that's where you'll find it. If you haven't installed Developer tools, get cracking! You can sign up to be developer at for the low price of free and download the Apple's Developer Tools or nstall them from the disks that shipped with your Mac. Still too much work? You'll find a link to the completed project at the end of this post.

If all that is too much trouble you can download the completed .qtz file. To use the file drop it in the screen savers folder of your user library. It won't do much until you the video you desire to watch is in your Applications folder and named "".

  • Software historyDateVersionSummary09/20229.17NewThere are improvements to the Talker time drift compensation.

  • You can copy the contents of the Sample menu Talker Info dialog to the Clipboard or to the Log view.

  • The File Importer tries harder to cope with files with time-stamped data that is out of order and can now import some files that it previously rejected (albeit by ignoring/patching events).

  • The Micro4 maximum output sequencer step rate has been increased from 100 to 250 kHz.

  • FixesWith a Micro4, when sampling both WaveMark (spike shape) data and Waveform channels, it was possible for Waveform channels to sample from the wrong channel.

  • In the Sampling configuration, changing the channel used for a WaveMark (Spike shape) away from one also used as a Waveform channel could cause subsequent sampling to fail.

  • During sampling, setting the Minimum step parameter non-zero in a Measurement process could cause no data to be found.

  • Setting a very narrow colour band in a Colour scale (used for sonograms and cluster density plots) could cause a crash when the scale was used.

  • Recording literal strings (such as a channel comment) that included a double quote mark (") omitted the " character.

  • The integer literal value for the most negative integer (-9223372036854775808) was not accepted by the script compiler, though 0x8000000000000000 (which is the same value in hexadecimal) was accepted.

  • In a Time view, the Next and Previous display trigger buttons were not disabled when a script disabled X axis changes (for example by allow% in the Toolbar() command).

  • The Spline2D(const p[][]); script command variant to set positions generated a fatal script error if the positions were not distinct. It now returns -1, as documented.

  • The Binary file importer could crash if the imported file was an unexpected length for the contained data, did not save individual channel units, did not process the FileConvert$() cmd$ options and did not open the associated Help file.

  • The MC_Rack (*.mcd) data file importer could crash when opening a data file.

  • Data file importers that have options to save and load configurations (such as the Text and Binary importers) could crash when reading a previously saved configuration.

  • The Channel Process option to fill gaps in a waveform channel shifted the data by one point when filling a gap of a single point.

  • The Neuralynx importer imported only the first channel in each folder.

  • 04/20229.16NewAdded support for the Digitimer D360R Programmable Signal Conditioner.

  • Now attempts to open pre-revision 9 32-bit .smr files that exceed the 2 GB size limit (this allows access to some incorrectly-written files that previously would not open).

  • The File menu Export As Data file command no longer aborts if any error is found. It now does the best it can and lists problems in the Log view.

  • In a user-defined dialog it is now possible to include a vertical bar "" in a prompt by inserting "". A single vertical bar introduces a tooltip.

  • The data Import system has been re-engineered to make the importers much smaller (typically reducing them from 2 MB to 1-200 kB). This make the first use of the File menu Import command much faster.

  • The Text importer is much better at guessing what the column separator is when not comma, Tab or spaces. There is a new option to set the type separator in the configuration dialog.

  • The Text importer has been reworked to make it cope with a wider range of files and is much less likely to detect a waveform channel as a TextMark due to a small number of non-numeric entries.

  • Importers that read data as RealWave (e.g. Ponemah) used to scan the data before import to find the data range. This could take a lot of time with large files. We now find the range of the data while transferring it to the output file, which can greatly reduce the time to import huge files. We have also increased the size of the data buffers in an attempt to speed up data import. As an example, the time to import an 80 GB Ponemah 6 file has reduced from 5 hours to under 2.

  • The Ponemah file importer has been extended to allow data to be filtered by Subject, Channel and time range. For example, you can set it to import all channels that contain ECG in the channel title from 10 hours into the file for 1 hour. With huge files with many channels this can reduce import times from hours to seconds when only sub-sets of the data are required. It may still take a while to locate the wanted data.

  • Plexon importer: several improvements so it reads a wider range of input files and copes better with files with multiple sections.

  • TDT importer only appends _1, _2, and so on to the channel titles when there are duplicates.

  • TMS importer now supports the Poly5 file extension in addition to S00.

  • XDF (LabStreamingLayer) importer handles RealMark and TextMark signals and waveforms with gaps.

  • Importer for Allego (NeuroNexus) data files added.

  • FixesVideo frame stepping with the Cursor 0 link could step to the same place twice, which wasted time.

  • Spike2 would not open .smrx data files in which all strings (channel title, units, comment, file comments) were less than 3 characters long and where a string had been edited.

  • In a script view, a user-defined Func or Proc with a space between the function name and the opening brace, for example func fred (), was omitted from the function list and did not get a pop-up call tip.

  • Resizing the Script Bar List and Sample Bar List dialogs did not move the Help button.

  • The documentation now describes how to associate specific talkers with multiple copies of Spike2 using the command line.

  • ArrHist() did not allow an integer data array.

  • When inspecting script values in the script debugger, you could change the value of items marked const.

  • The PlayWaveCopy() script command did not work in single channel case with a one dimensional array argument.

  • The error messages generated in the output sequencer message bar were badly formatted when an online sequence update failed due to size issues.

  • Import of Ponemah files with multiple sections or with the first section of a channel not at time 0 placed the data at the wrong time.

  • When importing data in Sweeps mode, the file offset of each sweep from the last could increase through the imported file.

  • The ADI importer could crash when reading files with a large number of sections.

  • The TMS importer rejected valid input files.

  • The Igor importer could crash if it was used to import a PXP file holding complex numbers.

  • The DataPac importer previously assumed all files held float data, so files holding integer data would not import, or read as rubbish.

  • In the About Spike2 box, both the Micro2 and the Power3A could report that a firmware update was available when it was not.

  • 10/20219.15NewThe RasterSet() script command now accepts a zero sized data array to set a raster with no data.

  • The ArrSort() script command now accepts zero length arrays (which does nothing) to save the user testing for zero length to avoid a script error before calling.

  • Unmodified array arguments of the ArrStats(), ArrSum(), EditCopy(), PlayWaveCopy(), SampleWaveMark() script commands are now const.

  • The Yield() script command can return the current allow% state and does not change the allow state if allow% is negative.

  • The Len() script command can now report the number of elements in a multi-dimensional array.

  • FixesLevel event channels sampled by a Micro1401-4 inverted the input data. There is a script in the Documents/Spike9/Scripts folder called InvertLev.s2s that you can use to invert Level event traces. Backup your files before running the script as it modifies the data.

  • Passing a zero length sub-array to a function as array[1:0] was allowed, but using array[0:0] was not.

  • The virtual channel expression Ec() that converts event counts to a waveform could misplace events that fell exactly on the boundary between two waveform points.

  • EventToWaveform() accuracy improved to more closely match virtual channel event kernel functions.

  • The script: var Spk[4][2]; Len(spk); failed. It now returns the length of the first dimension.

  • When Measuring to an XY view or to a data channel with a curve fit measurement and the User check positions option set, the displayed fit line was for the previous step.

  • In the Output sequencer, a label without white space after the colon was treated as an error, for example "Label:DAC 0,1".

  • The script compiler gave an error if a resize statement was not terminated by a semicolon, so var y[2]; if 1 then resize y[3] endif was not allowed.

  • The ArrConv(), ArrCWT(), ArrDot(), ArrFilt(), ArrHist(), ArrSpline() and SerialWrite() script commands did not accept const arrays.

  • The View menu Multimedia files command failed to open .mp4 files if they held audio only (no video).

  • In the Spike shape dialogs the visual effect when you clicked in the data area to start dragging the current spike to a template was too fast to be visible.

  • Stepping backwards by a data point in a virtual channel (for example with the LastTime() script command or an active cursor search in data points mode) stepped by two data points.

  • The Grid view default column titles skipped over the AA-AZ series when more than 26 columns were set. The sequence was A-Z, BA-BZ, CA-CZ and so on and should have been A-Z, AA-AZ, BA-BZ...

  • If you wrote data to a non-waveform channel (for example with the ChanSave() script command), then overwrote it (which is allowed with wave-based channels but not event based channels), Spike2 attempted to write the data, resulting in a corrupted data channel.

  • The script MLPut(500); Proc MLPut(real) MatlabPut("RealVal", real) end; set the Matlab variable RealVal as an integer, not as a floating point value. This was due to over-enthusiastic optimization by the script compiler.

  • 06/20219.14NewSampling supports Talker specification version 5, which has potentially more efficient data transfers.

  • FixesSome Font selection dialogs did not set the Font Style field to match the initial font style (Bold, Italic, Regular...).

  • Event channel searches (as in Active cursors, Measurements to an XY view or Measurements to a data channel) in other than Data points or Expression mode could hang up.

  • When restoring the Rate and Mean frequency drawing modes from a resource file, ridiculously small Time width values are rejected.

  • The check box in the Tip of the Day dialog works reliably.

  • The Add to online dialog marked all arbitrary waveforms except the one added as disabled.

  • If when sampling data you set a Measurement to an XY view or Measurements to a data channel with a User entered value, this could cause Spike2 to crash.

  • The context menu item to set a vertical cursor position did not trigger an active cursor search.

  • The BinomialC(n%, k%) script command did not allow n% or k% to be 0.

  • In the non-PCA Clustering dialogs (for example, Cluster on Measurements), the command to set the Z axis to be time could clear all filter codes (so coloured dots became black).

  • Export of XY data to MATLAB exported multiple copies of the first XY point.

  • The ChanKey(chan%, get%) script command generated an error if get% was not zero.

  • 02/20219.13FixesUsing the BReadSize(8,...) or BWriteSize(8,...) script commands with an integer array argument could cause Spike2 to crash.

  • When used with a Micro3, Micro4, Power2 or Power3, the PlayWaveStatus$() script command pos% argument reported the position in bytes, not points. This error was introduced in Spike2 version 7. The Micro2 and Power1 were not affected.

  • In a script, -1 >> 64 evaluated to 0; it should evaluate to -1.

  • Sampling data or rerunning with a visible Level event channel in Line drawing mode could cause the mouse pointer to flicker.

  • When sampling or rerunning, it was possible to cause Spike2 to hang up in Measure to Chan processing in Automatic mode with Update window every set to 0.0 when searching a Waveform channel with a slow sample rate.

  • A Text dump of the Sampling configuration did not separate digital and DAC channels.

  • The MinMax() script command used to search a WaveMark channel with n traces could start the search (n-1) times the trace width too soon.

  • If you have both a CED 1902 and a Micro1401-4, the Conditioner setup dialog reported a spurious "illegal arguments" error after setting up the 1902.

  • The Create New Buffer allowed you to create a WaveMark channel with fewer than the minimum (6) data points

  • The SampleWaveMark() script command did not allow you to set multi-trace channels with an odd number of data points.

  • If there was a disk problem when updating Talker licence information, Spike2 could crash.

  • The EDF importer now supports asymmetrically-scaled integer data; previously some channels would have incorrect offsets.

  • When editing text in a grid view cell, the Del key did not delete characters to the right of the text caret.

  • You are no longer blocked from adding a talker channel to the sampling configuration because the limit on the number of 1401 channels has been reached.

  • The SampleCalibrate() script command returned double the scale factor that it set when the 1401 was set for 10V input range.

  • Active cursor Peak search with Amplitude set to 0 could detect two consecutive points with the same data value as a peak.

  • Drawing a highly magnified Waveform channel could result in data off the bottom of the screen appearing on screen.

  • Adding and deleting Memory channel Level event items did not cause the display to redraw to the end.

  • In a Result view, the Raster Draw mode settings Sweeps, Sort and Symbols were not saved and restored when the view was saved to a file.

  • 09/20209.12NewThe EDF importer now recognises more types of BDF file. Previously, some specifications were unrecognised and the importer would revert to importing the data as though it were 16 bits long not 24, leading to garbage data.

  • In a script, you can use DlgValue$() to set X Value fields as text, for example "Cursor(1)". Previously this displayed the position of cursor 1 as a number.

  • The S2Video program has a new option to set frame time stamps.

  • FixesThe Sample Bar dialog Add... button did not read the label and comment stored in the added file and would accept old-format .s2c files that cannot be used in modern versions of Spike2.

  • The XY view y axis title was not restored when an XY file opened.

  • In a Grid view, the F1 key did not open the on-line Help.

  • Time views ended one pixel before the time of the very last item.

  • If a script hid or iconised the application window, then used the Message() or DlgShow() commands, the resulting window was hidden and the script would hang up. These commands now make the application window visible.

  • There was a visual glitch when drawing a level event channel during sampling in timed sampling mode each time sampling was enabled, when the current position was visible and not at the right-hand edge of the time window.

  • In the output sequencer with a Micro4, the DELAY 0 instruction caused a very long delay (more than 4 billion steps); it should have caused no delay.

  • In the Sampling Configuration dialog Channels tab when using a file with more than 32 channels, the New... Talker channel command failed when channels 1-29 were all in use and the 'special' channels had not been moved.

  • The Special channels field of the Sampling Configuration Set maximum channels dialog was always set to 0 when the dialog opened.

  • The documentation incorrectly listed the dialog expressions CXn as CnX (n = 0-9).

Recording dial


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  • Alisha Saxsena
    Alisha Saxsena
  • Valentine Ponomarev
    Valentine Ponomarev
  • Harshita Vaidya
    Harshita Vaidya
  • Kartik Rajput
    Kartik Rajput
  • Bill Drew
    Bill Drew
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