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Mini Dragon Group (ages 6-7)

공개·회원 28명

Joseph Kharlamov
Joseph Kharlamov

Passo a passo para baixar e instalar o programa do imposto de renda 2021

How to Download 2021 IRPF: A Complete Guide

If you are a resident in Spain, you may have to file a personal income tax declaration, also known as IRPF, for the year 2021. This declaration is an annual obligation that allows the Spanish Tax Agency (Agencia Tributaria) to assess your income and expenses and determine your tax liability or refund. In this article, we will explain what is IRPF, who has to declare it, when and how to file it, and how to download and use the IRPF program or app, a software that helps you to prepare and submit your declaration.

download 2021 irpf

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What is IRPF and who has to declare it?

IRPF stands for Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas

IRPF is an acronym for Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas, which means Personal Income Tax in Spanish. It is a direct tax that applies to individuals who are residents in Spain, regardless of their nationality. It taxes their income from different sources, such as employment, self-employment, pensions, savings, capital gains, rentals, etc.

IRPF is a personal income tax that applies to residents in Spain

To be considered a resident in Spain for tax purposes, you have to meet one of these criteria:

  • You spend more than 183 days in Spain during a calendar year.

  • Your main economic activities or interests are located in Spain

  • You have your spouse or dependent children living in Spain, unless you can prove that they are residents in another country for tax purposes.

If you are a resident in Spain, you have to declare your worldwide income, not only the income you earn in Spain. However, you may benefit from some tax treaties that avoid double taxation between Spain and other countries.

IRPF declaration is mandatory for those who meet certain income and personal criteria

Not all residents in Spain have to file the IRPF declaration. It depends on the amount and type of income you receive, as well as your personal and family situation. The general rule is that you have to file the IRPF declaration if your income exceeds these limits:

Como baixar o programa do imposto de renda 2021

Download do programa gerador da declaração do IRPF 2021

Onde encontrar o programa para fazer a declaração do IRPF 2021

Passo a passo para instalar o programa do imposto de renda 2021

Programa do IRPF 2021: requisitos, versões e sistemas operacionais

Baixar o programa do IRPF 2021 pelo site da Receita Federal

Programa do imposto de renda 2021: como atualizar e corrigir erros

Download do programa do IRPF 2021 para Windows, MacOS, Linux e Solaris

Como fazer a declaração do imposto de renda 2021 online sem baixar o programa

Programa do IRPF 2021: prazo, multa e restituição

Download do programa auxiliar de ganhos de capital 2021

Download do programa auxiliar de atividade rural 2021

Download do programa auxiliar de carnê-leão 2021

Como importar dados da declaração do IRPF 2020 para o programa do IRPF 2021

Como gerar e imprimir o DARF para pagamento do imposto de renda 2021 pelo programa

Como transmitir a declaração do imposto de renda 2021 pelo programa

Como consultar o status da declaração do imposto de renda 2021 pelo programa

Como retificar a declaração do imposto de renda 2021 pelo programa

Como fazer a declaração pré-preenchida do imposto de renda 2021 pelo programa

Como fazer a declaração simplificada do imposto de renda 2021 pelo programa

Como fazer a declaração completa do imposto de renda 2021 pelo programa

Como declarar rendimentos tributáveis no programa do IRPF 2021

Como declarar rendimentos isentos e não tributáveis no programa do IRPF 2021

Como declarar rendimentos sujeitos à tributação exclusiva/definitiva no programa do IRPF 2021

Como declarar imposto pago/retido no programa do IRPF 2021

Como declarar pagamentos e doações efetuados no programa do IRPF 2021

Como declarar bens e direitos no programa do IRPF 2021

Como declarar dívidas e ônus reais no programa do IRPF 2021

Como declarar espólio no programa do IRPF 2021

Como declarar dependente no programa do IRPF 2021

Como declarar alimentando no programa do IRPF 2021

Como declarar pensão alimentícia no programa do IRPF 2021

Como declarar despesas médicas no programa do IRPF 2021

Como declarar despesas com educação no programa do IRPF 2021

Como declarar despesas com previdência privada no programa do IRPF 2021

Como declarar despesas com livro-caixa no programa do IRPF 2021

Como declarar despesas com instrução de deficiente físico ou mental no programa do IRPF 2021

Como declarar despesas com dependentes com doenças graves no programa do IRPF 2021

Como declarar despesas com empregado doméstico no programa do IRPF 2021

Como declarar despesas com contribuição patronal paga à Previdência Social pelo empregador doméstico no programa do IRPF 2021

Como declarar despesas com contribuições a entidades de previdência complementar e FAPI no programa do IRPF 2021

Como declarar despesas com contribuições aos fundos controlados pelos Conselhos Municipais, Estaduais e Nacional dos Direitos da Criança e Adolescente no programa do IRPF 2021

Como declarar despesas com incentivos à cultura e à atividade audiovisual no programa do IRPF 2021

Como declarar despesas com incentivos à atividade desportiva e paradesportiva no programa do IRPF 2021

Como declarar despesas com incentivos ao Programa Nacional de Apoio à Atenção Oncológica (PRONON) e ao

Type of income


Employment income

22,000 euros per year from one payer or 14,000 euros per year from more than one payer

Self-employment income

Any amount

Pension income

22,000 euros per year from one payer or 14,000 euros per year from more than one payer

Savings income (interest, dividends, etc.)

1,600 euros per year

Capital gains (from selling assets, investments, etc.)

1,600 euros per year

Rental income (from renting out property, land, etc.)

1,000 euros per year

Other income (from grants, prizes, etc.)

1,000 euros per year

However, there are some exceptions and special cases that may require you to file the IRPF declaration even if your income is below these limits. For example, if you want to claim certain deductions or tax credits, if you have received a refund from the Tax Agency that was not correct, or if you have changed your residence status during the year. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a tax professional or the Tax Agency website to check if you have to file the IRPF declaration or not.

When and how to file the IRPF declaration?

The deadline for filing the IRPF declaration is April 30, 2022

The IRPF declaration corresponds to the income and expenses that you have had during the previous calendar year. For example, the IRPF declaration for 2021 covers the period from January 1 to December 31, 2021. The deadline for filing the IRPF declaration for 2021 is April 30, 2022. However, if you want to pay your tax liability by direct debit from your bank account, you have to file your IRPF declaration by April 25, 2022.

The IRPF declaration can be filed online, by phone, or in person

The Tax Agency offers different options for filing the IRPF declaration. You can choose the one that suits you best according to your preferences and circumstances. The main options are:

  • Online: You can file your IRPF declaration online through the Tax Agency website or app. You will need a digital certificate, an electronic ID card, or a reference number (número de referencia) that you can obtain with your ID number and some tax data. This option is available 24/7 and allows you to access your tax data and previous declarations.

  • By phone: You can file your IRPF declaration by phone by calling the Tax Agency's helpline at 901 200 345 or 91 535 68 13. You will need a reference number and a bank account number. This option is available from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 7 pm.

  • In person: You can file your IRPF declaration in person at any of the Tax Agency offices or collaborating entities (banks, savings banks, etc.). You will need an appointment and a printed copy of your IRPF declaration. This option is available from May 4 to June 29, 2022.

The IRPF declaration can be prepared with the help of the Renta WEB service or the Programa de Ayuda a la Declaración (PADRE)

To prepare your IRPF declaration, you can use one of these tools provided by the Tax Agency:

  • Renta WEB: This is an online service that allows you to access, modify, confirm, or submit your IRPF declaration online. It is based on the tax data that the Tax Agency has about you, such as your income, expenses, deductions, etc. You can also import your data from previous declarations or from the PADRE program. Renta WEB is available for all types of income and taxpayers.

  • Programa de Ayuda a la Declaración (PADRE): This is a software that you can download and install on your computer or device. It allows you to fill out and print your IRPF declaration offline. It is based on the information that you enter manually or import from other sources. PADRE is only available for some types of income and taxpayers, such as self-employed professionals, farmers, or landlords.

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