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Mini Dragon Group (ages 6-7)

공개·회원 22명
Valentine Ponomarev
Valentine Ponomarev

Youngster High Quality

A question from P.Vinayagam in India:The words 'youth' and 'youngster' confuse me. Some call toddlers youngsters, and some, teenagers 'youngsters'. Also, can 'youth' be used as plural?


Hello. Thank you for writing to us with your question about the words youngster and youth, words which you say you are a little confused about. As someone who is not as young as he used to be, I can certainly say that I find youngsters and youths confusing, not in terms of the meaning of the words, but in terms of their lifestyles.Anyway, back to the language question. Youngster does simply mean a young person, and whether you use it to refer to a toddler or a teenager is really up to you. As I said, I am not so young anymore, so for me, anyone under the age of eighteen is a youngster. However, a teenager is only likely to use the word to talk about toddlers and children under ten. So, youngster is a very flexible word as it doesn't have as specific a meaning as the words teenager and toddler.The word youth is a little more complex, as it can refer to a young person, and also to the period of life when you are young. For example, in my youth, I often played football with my friends, but now I don't. Notice, that with this meaning, the word is an uncountable noun, so you can only say youth, not youths.When youth refers to a person, it means that the person is not an adult, and most often it means that they are a teenager. So, a youth is not an adult, and yet not a child. We most often see this word used to talk about teenage boys who may be involved in minor crime, so it a word we see in newspapers or hear on the television news for example:

I hope that has helped clear up some of the confusion concerning youth and youngsters. Of course, it doesn't help me to understand why the only thing that youngsters seem interested in is playing computer games, but it is probably best if I don't try to understand that, and instead just settle down in a comfortable chair with a cup of tea and a good book.

Your youngster is probably pretty confused the first time it goes into the field with its newfound friends. It is a good idea to let it calm down and get settled in. Starting off with nothing more than a treat here and there and a small pat on the back. Do not start with a lot of training, but make sure it is relaxed before you start teaching it a lot of new things.

If the horse is turned out a lot, start by taking a simple brush with you to the paddock. Just place it gently on the neck, or where the youngster is the least ticklish. Do not start with the big grooming. Your horse may never have felt a brush before and can get terribly startled by such a touch. When it seems to accept the brush, move it gently down both sides, and other places where it shows no sign of dislike.

It can be a bit nerve-wracking to have the blacksmith meet your youngster for the first time. You might as well prepare for the fact that your horse will react. Because it may not know other people than you, and a blacksmith comes with a lot of new smells and a different body language than it knows from you.If your horse cannot stand alone in the stable aisle, make sure there are other horses in the stable. Have a bucket of food ready and allow it to lean against a wall, as the balance of a young horse can be quite unstable.It is important that you feel comfortable with your blacksmith. So, if you do not already know one, ask around if anyone can recommend one that is good for young horses. Your horse will most likely get nervous the first time, because the sound and the feeling are completely new to it. But do not worry, it will most likely learn it after just a few times with the blacksmith.

In the long run, it is important that you teach your horse to be alone in the stable. It will be really annoying for both yourself and possibly other horse owners if their horses have to come in from the field every time your youngster has to be groomed.Start by inviting it into its stall or just a little away from the herd so it cannot see the others and give it some delicious food. When it has finished eating, turn it back out immediately. Do the exercise until the horse is calm even after it has finished eating. Then you can gradually increase the time in the stall or wherever you are. You can also start grooming it while it eats.

It is important that you do not expect your youngster to stand still in the aisle for several minutes from the start. A young horse can very rarely comply with this. So the first few times you just have to cuddle it and then return to the other horses.

It is no secret that it is a huge task to teach your horse all the things it needs to know. So think about taking trips with other horses so that it learns to be out in new surroundings. If you try to do too many things too fast you may fail. Like teaching the youngster to be alone and walk in foreign terrain with all that it entails of traffic, lawn mowers, children playing ball, etc., Then the exercise becomes too difficult.When the young horse feels safe when walking with other horses, you can start going out on your own. But do not expect your horse to act the same way alone as with others. Make sure to only be away for a few minutes to begin with. Then start slowly with the first exercise being just a walk in the courtyard.

Having a horse can quickly lead to a life filled with training. But one of the most important things is that you and your young horse create a close bond. It is the foundation of your future together. If the horse finds out that it is fun to be with you, then your whole journey will be absolutely amazing.Therefore, our advice is that you do not spend too much time seeing how far others are getting with their horses. Instead, you should enjoy the company of your youngster, whether it is grooming it, cuddling or just giving it a carrot. You will probably end up achieving all the rest, and the most important thing is that you have fun together.

Adam: [00:00:00] Welcome to People Helping People, the podcast to inspire greater social change and give you ideas on how to take action. I'm your host, Adam Morris. Today, we are sitting down with Tony Rothacker, co-founder at, a platform, providing job opportunities to youth and empowering elders to use technology better, bridging the gap between generations. I'm excited to explore conversations around providing employment to youth and how we can leverage inherent talents from any age. So Tony, welcome on the podcast.

And it's hard to believe, but he in regional Australia where we are based, there's quite a high youth unemployment, and unfortunately also high youth suicide rate. And so running a innovation hub, we were asked to run a, something called an open innovation challenge where a local health district is welcoming ideas from the outside and looked at, what can we do as a community to address this big problem. And so there was some amazing entrepreneurs and creatives came forward and they pitched the ideas. They got a bit of seed funding and ultimately they got also contract to implement a solution for the next 12 months. But that resulted that I saw the data coming through and I couldn't believe that how big the problem is. And that made me determined that we should do something about it. And it was ultimately a people moment to set up

And some people don't know how to do it. And so we thought, we have this unutilized resource, our tech savvy youngsters. So why not get them busy and do something meaningful? And while they helping others, they actually helping themselves. And so it's a beautiful thing to see when the elders are so thankful and appreciative and they're happy to pay money as well to to get helped.

But likewise, many seniors are in isolation. They don't know how to use technology. And COVID-19 was very very prevalent and we saw how impactful it is to be disconnected from the daily life or communities. So this way, they actually become part of the community. They get out of isolation and they help us to teach the youngsters how to live meaningful life

So we work collaboratively with aged care facilities with libraries. Where we bring the generations together. And when they complete certain number of sessions and we see, they have the right ethics and we do all of the right checks, vetting and police checks on the youngsters. We allow them also to do home visits when the pairing is fine, but it's important that we address all the different risks.

Tony: [00:03:58] so Now be going towards two years and we started just before COVID-19 hit and you can imagine there was quite a drastic change going. We took a whole bunch of youngsters to aged care facilities, and then suddenly we couldn't do that anymore. And so we transitioned everything online when COVID-19 lockdown started and it has proven actually quite a successful model.

We got quite a lot of media coverage. Simply because we ask youngsters, can you help us to reach out to seniors in isolation and teach them how to go on zoom, how to unmute and and many many seniors, they wanted to continue to converse with the outside world. They just didn't know how to. And so we use this disadvantage.

Tony: [00:04:59] toddling. Yeah. Look, our best friend is word of mouth. So our key element is to delight the elders and we incentivize the youngsters to, they get the base wage. And when they delight the elder in a sense that we have certain set requirements, be kind, be polite, be on time, ask open questions.

Tony: [00:05:41] We do. So there's different type of measuring the success on the, we count connections. So when we create a connection between youngsters and Ellis, we. Need to onboard an elder. We need to onboard a youngster, basically all the things need to come together. And we also collect data. What is the current status of, the it literacy of the elder before and after, and also watch do the youngsters get out of it. 041b061a72


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