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How To Sell Through Email [Extra Quality]

The B2B lead generation service CIENCE reviews thousands of emails for its clients, curating lists of good (and bad) sales email examples. One of the best emails perfectly demonstrates how to write a compelling subject line:

How To Sell Through Email

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The best sales emails resonate because they speak directly to the reader. Marketing analytics software company Directive Consulting learned that lesson when it tried to boost the reply rate for its guest-blogger outreach. Of the 20 to 50 emails sent per week, the team was only receiving two to four positive replies.

CTOR is the percentage of unique recipients who click through to your website after they open your email. It divides the number of clicks by the number of opened emails rather than the total number of delivered emails. This metric accounts only for the people who read your email and take action, making it a better indicator of engagement and resonance than click-through rate.

The best sales emails often take time to hone. With the aforementioned sales email examples as your inspiration, you can start crafting a compelling message to that fresh lead from marketing. Then, test and refine your messages to discover what works.

Our robust solution enables you to easily track and measure the performance of your sales emails so you can learn what makes each message more successful than the last. Sign up for a free trial to see what Zendesk Sell can do for your sales emails.

Email marketing has one of the highest return on investments (ROI) of all the marketing channels. For every $1 spent on email marketing, the average return is $44.25. And with 91% of consumers checking their email once a day, it is a prime way to stay top of mind. With that type of power, selling products directly from email seems like a perfect way to help boost your online sales and drive more traffic to your store (both online and in person.)

Second, keep the copy short and concise. Product and promotional based emails do not require a lot of information, so long paragraphs are not needed. It is about the product and the conversion. How do you write the copy to be short, concise and still sales-focused? Follow these three steps:

People love to buy, but they also love to have a reason to buy. Promotions are that reason. If the goal of the email is to encourage someone to buy a single product, offer a discount that is front and center to help close the deal. Better yet, make that discount include both the product in the email and other products within your store (online or in person.) If a customer happens to dislike the product in the email, say a specific bag, she can simply click to redeem the coupon on all other accessories. In this way, you are doubling your chance for conversion.

Offer an incentive for opting in, and make it easy, with a button on every web page, sign-up cards at your reception or check-out counter, etc. Offer incentives for sharing your email, too, just as you would with social media friends and fans.

Include reviews or endorsements of the abandoned product in your email. This will give your product a favorable perception and the customer a reason to come back and purchase (fingers crossed).

People love a good success story, especially one they can empathize with. Create targeted emails that showcase a person or company relevant to that email segment. Discuss in your email how this customer used your product and how it benefited them.

Email marketing is the process of targeting your audience and customers through email. It helps you boost conversions and revenue by providing subscribers and customers with valuable information to help achieve their goals.

Your lead magnet is exactly as it sounds: something that attracts prospects to your email list, usually in the form of a free offer. The offer can take a number of formats, should be valuable to your prospects, and is given away for free in exchange for an email address.

The point of your email list is to eventually guide subscribers to a paid offer. You offer free content to demonstrate the value that you provide as a company, and those free offers should eventually lead to your product or service.

It may seem counterproductive to ask your subscribers to opt in to your emails twice, but some research on open rates suggests that customers may prefer a confirmed opt-in (COI) email more than a welcome email.

Additionally, you can analyze the success of your email marketing so you can share the data that matters most to your business with your team. The best part? You can use HubSpot's Email Marketing service for free.

For instance, if a new subscriber receives a welcome email and the subsequent email is set up to send them an offer that they already found and downloaded on your site, the workflow tool will know and adapt. In an autoresponder, a user receives a specific set of emails at specific time intervals no matter what action they take.

While some may view these newly implemented email regulations as burdensome and unnecessary, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) actually moves us closer to building long-lasting and trusting relationships with our customers.

And last but certainly not least, you need to consistently measure the success of your email marketing efforts. There are a number of options you can choose from when it comes to your business's email marketing analytics.

By diving into your email marketing analytics, you'll be able to make better decisions that are sure to positively impact your business's bottom line, resonate with your subscribers, readers, and customers, and justify your work to the rest of your company.

When in doubt or if you're ever in need of inspiration, turn to some of the greatest email marketing examples. You can also take a look at some quick additional tips in this video by HubSpot Academy:

And remember, your subscribers want to hear from you and they want to relate to you. Be a genuine resource, and they will look forward to opening an email from you just like they would any friend of theirs.

Email marketing is a type of direct marketing that uses personalized emails to educate your email list about your product or services. It can also be used to convince your email list to take a specific action like making a purchase, booking a demo, signing up for a trial or registering for an event.

Despite the rise of social media and unsolicited spam email (which is never a good marketing strategy, by the way), email remains the most effective way to nurture leads and boost customer loyalty.

2. You own your list. On any social media platform, your account (along with all your fans and posts) could be suspended or deleted at any time, for any reason, without notice. However, you own your email list. No one can take those leads away from you.

2. Add an Email Service Provider: An email service provider (ESP) lets you segment your audience, organize your list, and distribute email campaigns to your audience. You can also track the results to improve future campaigns.

5. Compelling subscribe button: Make sure to use a contrasting color for your subscribe button, so that it really pops out on the page. Also, use non-generic email copy that compels people to click right away (Send me the 7 steps!).

Constant Contact is one of the largest and best email marketing platforms in the world. They allow you to manage your subscribers and create professional email designs with templates and drag-and-drop editing tools.

WPBeginner rates ConstantContact the best email marketing service. And if you get started with Constant Contact, you may be interested in the following article: How to Create a Constant Contact Popup for WordPress.

HubSpot is known for its CRM platform, but they also offer powerful email marketing software for small businesses. With the drag and drop editor and ready-made templates, you can easily create beautiful emails without the help of a designer. The software also comes with personalization features, A/B testing, and more.

Drip is a marketing automation tool that allows users to create complex email automation workflows and conditional statements within email messaging. Campaigns, workflows, and triggers are well-organized and Drip is as simple or as complex as you need it to be. Creating lists and nurturing leads is even easier using Drip + OptinMonster.

Mailchimp is a popular email marketing software. It is great for people who are just starting out, as it is easy to set up and it provides an intuitive user interface. You can also add new subscribers to specific segments using Mailchimp Groups + OptinMonster.

Rather than blasting every email to your entire email list, segmentation lets you send certain emails only to those subscribers you think will be the most interested in that content, resulting in higher conversions.

Pro Tip: Contact forms are an easy way to collect info from your leads that can then be used to create more targeted messaging. Check out our pick for the best form plugin (WordPress) and find out how to make your email marketing really shine!

The bottom line on email send time is this: imagine a day in the life of your particular audience. What are they doing in the morning, afternoon, and evening? What does their workday look like? How late do they stay up at night? How early do they rise in the morning?

When writing your emails, put your corporate hat to the side and write like a friend. This is the only way to really appeal to your subscribers and get them to open and click your emails.

An autoresponder is a sequence of emails that are automatically sent to a segment of people on your email list and is triggered by a specific event, such as joining your list, a certain browsing behavior, cart abandonment, downloading a PDF, or buying a product.

Next, write an outline of your sequence from start to finish, describing what topic(s) each email will cover and the call-to-action for each email. Your call-to-action could be to click on a link, share your blog post on social media, reply to your email, or buy your product. 350c69d7ab


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