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Valentine Ponomarev
Valentine Ponomarev

The Story Of My Life By Helen Keller Movie Free 50

At age 22, Keller published her autobiography, The Story of My Life (1903), with help from Sullivan and Sullivan's husband, John Macy. It recounts the story of her life up to age 21 and was written during her time in college.

the story of my life by helen keller movie free 50

In 1984, Keller's life story was made into a TV movie called The Miracle Continues.[67] This film, a semi-sequel to The Miracle Worker, recounts her college years and her early adult life. None of the early movies hint at the social activism that would become the hallmark of Keller's later life, although a Disney version produced in 2000 states in the credits that she became an activist for social equality.

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In 1903, Helen wrote a book about her life. It was called The Story of My Life. The movie The Miracle Worker, made in 1962, was based on Helen's book. She also wrote a book about Annie Sullivan called Teacher. She wrote twelve other books.

The next day we went to Plymouth by water. This was my first trip on the ocean and my first voyage in a steamboat. How full of life and motion it was! But the rumble of the machinery made me think it wasthundering, and I began to cry, because I feared if it rained we shouldnot be able to have our picnic out of doors. I was more interested, I think, in the great rock on which the Pilgrims landed than in anything else in Plymouth. I could touch it, and perhaps that made thecoming of the Pilgrims and their toils and great deeds seem more realto me. I have often held in my hand a little model of the Plymouth Rockwhich a kind gentleman gave me at Pilgrim Hall, and I have fingeredits curves, the split in the centre and the embossed figures "1620,"and turned over in my mind all that I knew about the wonderful story of the Pilgrims.

I was still excessively scrupulous about everything I wrote. Thethought that what I wrote might not be absolutely my own tormented me. No one knew of these fears except my teacher. A strange sensitivenessprevented me from referring to the "Frost King"; and often when an ideaflashed out in the course of conversation I would spell softly to her,"I am not sure it is mine." At other times, in the midst of a paragraphI was writing, I said to myself, "Suppose it should be found that allthis was written by some one long ago!" An impish fear clutched myhand, so that I could not write any more that day. And even now Isometimes feel the same uneasiness and disquietude. Miss Sullivanconsoled and helped me in every way she could think of; but the terribleexperience I had passed through left a lasting impression on my mind,the significance of which I am only just beginning to understand. Itwas with the hope of restoring my self-confidence that she persuaded meto write for the Youth's Companion a brief account of my life. I wasthen twelve years old. As I look back on my struggle to write thatlittle story, it seems to me that I must have had a prophetic vision ofthe good that would come of the undertaking, or I should surely havefailed.

Thus it is that my friends have made the story of my life. In a thousand ways they have turned my limitations into beautiful privileges, and enabled me to walk serene and happy in the shadow cast by my deprivation.

The weather has been awfully dismal all the week; but to-day is beautiful, and ourroom floor is flooded with sunlight. By and by we shall take a little walk in the Public Gardens. Iwish the Wrentham woods were round the corner! But alas! they are not, and I shall have tocontent myself with a stroll in the Gardens. Somehow, after the great fields and pastures and loftypine-groves of the country, they seem shut-in and conventional. Even the trees seem citified andself-conscious. Indeed, I doubt if they are on speaking terms with their country cousins! Do youknow, I cannot help feeling sorry for these trees with all their fashionable airs? They are like thepeople whom they see every day, who prefer the crowded, noisy city to the quiet and freedom ofthe country. They do not even suspect how circumscribed their lives are. They look downpityingly on the country-folk, who have never had an opportunity "to see the great world." Ohmy! if they only realized their limitations, they would flee for their lives to the woods and fields. But what nonsense is this! You will think I'm pining away for my beloved Wrentham, which istrue in one sense and not in another. I do miss Red Farm and the dear ones there dreadfully; but Iam not unhappy. I have Teacher and my books, and I have the certainty that something sweet andgood will come to me in this great city, where human beings struggle so bravely all their lives towring happiness from cruel circumstances. Anyway, I am glad to have my share in life, whether itbe bright or sad ....

It gives me great pleasure to hear how much is being done for the deaf-blind. Themore I learn of them, the more kindness I find. Why, only a little while ago people thought itquite impossible to teach the deaf-blind anything; but no sooner was it proved possible thanhundreds of kind, sympathetic hearts were fired with the desire to help them, and now we see howmany of those poor, unfortunate persons are being taught to see the beauty and reality of life. Love always finds its way to an imprisoned soul, and leads it out into the world of freedom andintelligence!

She does not see with her eyes, but through the inner faculty to serve which eyeswere given to us. When she returns from a walk and tells some one about it, herdescriptions are accurate and vivid. A comparative experience drawn from writtendescriptions and from her teacher's words has kept her free from errors in her useof terms of sound and vision. True, her view of life is highly coloured and fullof poetic exaggeration; the universe, as she sees it, is no doubt a little betterthan it really is. But her knowledge of it is not so incomplete as one mightsuppose. Occasionally she astonishes you by ignorance of some fact which no onehappens to have told her; for instance, she did not know, until her first plungeinto the sea, that it is salt. Many of the detached invidents and facts of ourdaily life pass around and over her unobserved; but she has enough detailedacquaintance with the world to keep her view of it from being essentiallydefective.


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