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Parker Thomas

Transition by Iain Banks: How to Download and Read the Epub Files for Free

Transition by Iain Banks: A Review of the Epub Files

If you are looking for a thrilling, thought-provoking and genre-bending novel to read on your e-reader, you might want to check out Transition by Iain Banks. This novel is a masterpiece of science fiction, fantasy, thriller and satire that will keep you hooked from start to finish. In this article, I will review the epub files of Transition, which are one of the best ways to enjoy this novel on your digital device. I will also give you some background information on the author and the novel, as well as some tips on how to read and convert the epub files.

iain banks transition epub files

What is Transition and what is it about?

Transition is a novel by Iain Banks, published in 2009. It tells the story of a secret organization called The Concern, which has the ability to send its agents across parallel worlds using a drug called septus. The agents are tasked with intervening in various situations to make them more favorable for The Concern's interests. However, not everyone agrees with The Concern's methods and motives, and some agents start to rebel against their orders.

The novel follows several characters, such as Temudjin Oh, an assassin who has a crisis of conscience; Madame d'Ortolan, the ruthless leader of The Concern; Adrian Cubbish, a greedy trader who gets involved in a conspiracy; Mrs Mulverhill, a rogue agent who tries to expose The Concern's secrets; and Patient 8262, a mysterious man who narrates his life story from a mental hospital.

The novel explores themes such as identity, morality, free will, power, corruption, reality and fiction. It also incorporates elements from various genres, such as science fiction, fantasy, thriller, spy fiction, satire and historical fiction.

Who is Iain Banks and why is he famous?

Iain Banks was a Scottish writer who was born in 1954 and died in 2013. He wrote both mainstream fiction and science fiction, often using the name Iain M. Banks for his sci-fi works. He was widely acclaimed for his novels, which were known for their originality, complexity, humor and social commentary. Some of his most famous novels include The Wasp Factory (1984), The Crow Road (1992), The Bridge (1986), Complicity (1993), The Player of Games (1988), Use of Weapons (1990) and The Algebraist (2004).

Banks was also a supporter of various causes, such as environmentalism, human rights, Scottish independence and atheism. He was awarded several honors for his literary achievements, such as the British Science Fiction Association Award, the Kurd-Laßwitz-Preis and the Hugo Award. He was also named one of the 50 greatest British writers since 1945 by The Times.

What are epub files and why are they useful for reading ebooks?

Epub files are a type of digital file format that are designed for reading ebooks. Epub stands for electronic publication, and it is an open and free standard that can be used by anyone. Epub files have several advantages over other file formats, such as:

  • They are compatible with most e-readers, tablets, smartphones and computers.

  • They are flexible and adaptable, meaning that they can adjust to different screen sizes, fonts, layouts and orientations.

  • They are easy to create, edit and convert, using various tools and software.

  • They are lightweight and compact, meaning that they take up less space and bandwidth.

  • They support various features, such as images, audio, video, hyperlinks, metadata and interactivity.

Epub files are therefore one of the best ways to read ebooks, especially if you want to have a smooth and enjoyable reading experience. You can also customize your epub files according to your preferences and needs.

The Plot of Transition

Transition is a novel that has a complex and nonlinear plot, with multiple characters, timelines and worlds. It is not easy to summarize the plot in a few paragraphs, but here is a brief overview of the main events and themes:

A summary of the main characters and events

The novel begins with Patient 8262, who is a man in a mental hospital who claims to be a former agent of The Concern. He tells his life story to his psychiatrist, Dr. Freuchie, who is skeptical of his claims. Patient 8262 says that he was born in a world where the Soviet Union won the Cold War, and that he was recruited by The Concern when he was a teenager. He says that he was trained to use septus, a drug that allows him to travel across parallel worlds. He also says that he had various missions and adventures in different worlds, such as being a spy, a soldier, a lover, a killer and a hero.

The novel then switches to other characters and their stories, such as:

  • Temudjin Oh, who is an assassin for The Concern who starts to question his orders and his loyalty. He is sent to kill Mrs Mulverhill, a rogue agent who has defected from The Concern. However, he falls in love with her and joins her cause.

  • Madame d'Ortolan, who is the leader of The Concern who wants to maintain her power and control. She is ruthless and manipulative, and she has a secret plan to use septus to create a new world order.

  • Adrian Cubbish, who is a trader who makes a fortune by exploiting the financial crisis of 2008. He is contacted by The Concern, who offer him a deal to join them. He accepts the offer, but he soon realizes that he is in over his head.

  • Mrs Mulverhill, who is a former agent of The Concern who has rebelled against Madame d'Ortolan's regime. She wants to expose The Concern's secrets and stop their plan. She recruits other agents to her side, such as Temudjin Oh and Patient 8262.

The novel then shows how these characters' stories intersect and collide in various ways, leading to a climactic showdown between Madame d'Ortolan's forces and Mrs Mulverhill's rebels.

The themes and messages of the novel

Transition is a novel that explores various themes and messages, such as:

  • Identity: The novel shows how the characters' identities are shaped by their experiences in different worlds. It also shows how they struggle with their sense of self and their role in the universe.

  • Morality: The novel shows how the characters' morality is challenged by their actions and choices. It also shows how they justify their actions based on their beliefs and values.

  • Free will: The novel shows how the characters' free will is affected by their circumstances and constraints. It also shows how they try to exercise their free will despite the obstacles and risks.

  • Power: The novel shows how the characters' power is derived from their abilities and resources. It also shows how they use their power for good or evil purposes.

  • Corruption: The novel shows how the characters' corruption is influenced by their greed and ambition. It also shows how they suffer from the consequences of their corruption.

  • Reality and fiction: The novel shows how the characters' reality and fiction are blurred by their travels across parallel worlds. It also shows how they create their own reality and fiction based on their perceptions and expectations.

However, one of the best ways to read Transition is by using the epub files, which are available online. The epub files of Transition have several advantages, such as:

Where to download or buy the epub files of Transition

The epub files of Transition can be downloaded or bought from various sources, such as:

  • The Internet Archive: This is a website that offers free access to millions of books, movies, music and other digital content. The Internet Archive has the epub files of Transition for free download and borrowing. You can find them here: and here:

  • Amazon: This is a website that offers online shopping and delivery for various products, including books and ebooks. Amazon has the epub files of Transition for sale and download. You can find them here:

  • Barnes & Noble: This is a website that offers online and offline shopping and delivery for various products, including books and ebooks. Barnes & Noble has the epub files of Transition for sale and download. You can find them here:

How to read the epub files on different devices and platforms

The epub files of Transition can be read on different devices and platforms, such as:

  • E-readers: These are devices that are designed for reading ebooks, such as Kindle, Nook, Kobo and Sony Reader. E-readers can read the epub files of Transition natively or with some minor adjustments.

  • Tablets: These are devices that are designed for various purposes, such as browsing, gaming, watching and reading. Tablets can read the epub files of Transition using various apps, such as iBooks, Google Play Books, Aldiko and Moon+ Reader.

  • Smartphones: These are devices that are designed for communication, entertainment and productivity. Smartphones can read the epub files of Transition using various apps, such as iBooks, Google Play Books, Aldiko and Moon+ Reader.

  • Computers: These are devices that are designed for various purposes, such as work, study, research and leisure. Computers can read the epub files of Transition using various software, such as Calibre, Adobe Digital Editions, Sumatra PDF and FBReader.

How to convert the epub files to other formats if needed

The epub files of Transition can be converted to other formats if needed, such as:

  • PDF: This is a file format that is designed for printing and viewing documents. PDF files can be created from the epub files of Transition using various tools and software, such as Calibre, Online-Convert and Zamzar.

  • Mobi: This is a file format that is designed for reading ebooks on Kindle devices. Mobi files can be created from the epub files of Transition using various tools and software, such as Calibre, Online-Convert and Zamzar.

such as Calibre, Online-Convert and Zamzar.


Transition by Iain Banks is a novel that deserves to be read by anyone who loves books and stories. It is a novel that will challenge your mind, stimulate your imagination and entertain your senses. It is a novel that will make you think, feel and wonder. It is a novel that will stay with you long after you finish reading it.

One of the best ways to read Transition is by using the epub files, which are available online. The epub files of Transition have several advantages, such as compatibility, flexibility, ease and features. You can also customize your epub files according to your preferences and needs.

If you are interested in reading Transition by Iain Banks, I highly recommend that you download or buy the epub files of the novel. You will not regret it. You will enjoy it. You will thank me later.

I hope you found this article helpful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share them with me. I would love to hear from you.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Transition by Iain Banks and the epub files:

  • What is the difference between Iain Banks and Iain M. Banks?

Iain Banks and Iain M. Banks are the same person. He used the name Iain M. Banks for his science fiction works and the name Iain Banks for his mainstream fiction works.

  • What is septus and how does it work?

Septus is a drug that allows the agents of The Concern to travel across parallel worlds. It works by altering the brain chemistry and frequency of the user, enabling them to tune into different realities.

  • How many parallel worlds are there in Transition?

There are infinite parallel worlds in Transition, each with its own history, culture and physics. Some of the worlds are similar to ours, while others are very different.

  • What is The Transitionary and what is his role in the novel?

The Transitionary is a mysterious character who appears in some of the sections of the novel. He is an agent of The Concern who has access to all the parallel worlds and can manipulate them at will. He is also the one who gives septus to the other agents. His role in the novel is unclear, but he seems to have his own agenda and motives.

  • What is the meaning of the title Transition?

The title Transition has multiple meanings in the novel, such as:

  • The transition between different worlds and realities.

  • The transition between different genres and influences.

  • The transition between different identities and perspectives.

  • The transition between different stages and phases of life.

  • The transition between different moralities and values.



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