Polar Express (game) Download PC Game BEST
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Polar Express (game) Download PC Game
For the PC, a demo version of the game was made available free to download from the film's official website. It features the levels "Scrooge's Plan" and "Chasing the Train", the former of which features parts of "The Lost Ticket."
For the PC, a demo version of the game was made available free to download. It features only two levels. The first one uses elements from "Scrooge's Plan" and "The Lost Ticket" while being called the former. The other is "Chasing the Train".
We probably do...Maybe 60 to 70 per cent of our catalogue all year long is downloadable games - XBLA, casual PC games, Wii downloadables, DS games. You can put out games for a hundred thousand. You can get games together even cheaper. It seems like people are really interested and willing to take these creative risks with the storylines, with the characters...To me, it is a very exciting side of things. 041b061a72