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Valentine Ponomarev

A Comprehensive Guide on Air Pollution and Control Technologies by Anjaneyulu Yerramilli

Air Pollution and Control Technologies by Anjaneyulu: A Comprehensive Guide

Air pollution is one of the most pressing environmental issues facing humanity today. It affects our health, our climate, our economy, and our quality of life. How can we understand, measure, predict, prevent, and control air pollution? What are the best practices and technologies for air pollution management? What are the current trends and challenges in this field?

Air Pollution And Control Technologies By Anjaneyulu.pdf

If you are looking for answers to these questions, you might want to check out a book called Air Pollution: Prevention and Control Technologies by Anjaneyulu Yerramilli. This book provides a strong interdisciplinary approach in presenting topics on air pollution by integrating chemistry, physics, meteorology, engineering, health effects, policy, and regulatory aspects. It addresses the requirements of undergraduate/graduate students in science/engineering opting air pollution courses at a basic level by dealing exhaustively with the fundamental aspects of air pollution with suitable examples and worked out problems.

In this article, we will give you a comprehensive guide on this book. We will introduce you to the author, the main topics covered in the book, the structure and organization of the book, the key features and benefits of the book, a summary of each chapter, a critical review and evaluation of the book, and some frequently asked questions about the book. By the end of this article, you will have a clear idea of what this book is about, why it is important, and how it can help you learn more about air pollution and control technologies.

Air Pollution: Prevention and Control Technologies - An Overview of the Book

Who is the author?

The author of this book is Anjaneyulu Yerramilli, who is a professor of environmental engineering at Jackson State University in Mississippi. He has over 30 years of experience in teaching, research, consulting, and administration in various aspects of environmental engineering. He has published more than 100 research papers in reputed journals and conferences. He has also authored or co-authored several books on environmental engineering topics such as water quality management, solid waste management, environmental impact assessment, environmental chemistry, environmental microbiology, etc.

What are the main topics covered in the book?

The book covers a wide range of topics on air pollution, such as:

  • The nature, sources, types, and effects of air pollutants

  • The meteorological aspects of dispersion of air pollutants

  • The modeling techniques for air quality assessment and prediction

  • The methods and instruments for air pollution monitoring and measurement

  • The technologies and strategies for air pollution prevention and control

  • The air pollution from automobiles and noise pollution

  • The air quality management and policy approaches and regulatory measures adopted by various countries

How is the book organized and structured?

The book is organized into seven chapters, each covering a major aspect of air pollution. The chapters are as follows:

  • Fundamentals of Air Pollution

  • Meteorology and Air Pollution Dispersion

  • Air Quality Assessment and Prediction

  • Air Pollution Monitoring and Measurement

  • Air Pollution Control Technologies

  • Air Pollution from Automobiles and Noise Pollution

  • Air Quality Management and Policy

Each chapter begins with an introduction, followed by the main concepts, principles, theories, equations, examples, problems, case studies, references, and questions. The chapters are designed to be self-contained and can be read in any order depending on the interest and level of the reader.

What are the key features and benefits of the book?

Some of the key features and benefits of the book are:

  • It provides a comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the various aspects of air pollution, including the latest developments in preventive measures, emission standards, modeling techniques, and control technologies.

  • It adopts a strong interdisciplinary approach by integrating the scientific and engineering aspects of air pollution with the health, social, economic, policy, and regulatory aspects.

  • It addresses the needs of undergraduate/graduate students in science/engineering opting air pollution courses by dealing exhaustively with the fundamental aspects of air pollution with suitable examples and worked out problems.

  • It also serves as a resource material for researchers/practicing professionals in this important area by providing relevant data, information, references, case studies, and questions.

  • It uses a simple and clear language with appropriate illustrations, tables, figures, graphs, charts, maps, etc. to enhance the understanding and readability of the book.

  • It offers a global perspective on air pollution by presenting the present global and national air pollution scenarios and the preventive measures adopted by different countries.

Air Pollution: Prevention and Control Technologies - A Summary of Each Chapter

Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Air Pollution

This chapter introduces the basic concepts and definitions of air pollution. It explains the nature, sources, types, classification, composition, properties, reactions, transport, transformation, removal, and effects of air pollutants. It also discusses the factors influencing air pollution such as meteorology, topography, land use, population density, etc. It also gives an overview of the history and evolution of air pollution studies and regulations.

Chapter 2: Meteorology and Air Pollution Dispersion

This chapter deals with the meteorological aspects of dispersion of air pollutants in the atmosphere. It describes the structure and composition of the atmosphere, the atmospheric stability and turbulence, the wind speed and direction, the atmospheric boundary layer, the inversion layers, the atmospheric pressure systems, etc. It also explains the various models and methods for estimating the dispersion of air pollutants such as Gaussian plume model, box model, puff model, grid model, trajectory model, etc. It also discusses some special topics such as fumigation, plume rise, stack height, building downwash, etc.

Chapter 3: Air Quality Assessment and Prediction

This chapter covers the modeling techniques for air quality assessment and prediction. It explains the objectives, types, components, steps, and applications of air quality modeling. It also describes some commonly used air quality models such as ISCST3, AERMOD, CALPUFF, CAMx, CMAQ, etc. It also discusses some advanced topics such as receptor models, source apportionment, emission inventory, emission factors, etc.

Chapter 4: Air Pollution Monitoring and Measurement

This chapter focuses on the methods and instruments for air pollution monitoring and measurement. It explains the principles, types, characteristics, calibration, maintenance, and quality assurance and control of various air pollution monitoring and measurement devices such as samplers, analyzers, detectors, sensors, etc. It also describes some commonly used methods and instruments for measuring different air pollutants such as particulates, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, ozone, volatile organic compounds, etc.

Chapter 5: Air Pollution Control Technologies

This chapter presents the technologies and strategies for air pollution prevention and control. It explains the principles, types, characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, and applications of various air pollution control devices such as cyclones, scrubbers, electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters, catalytic converters, adsorption systems, etc. It also discusses some emerging technologies such as biofiltration, plasma treatment, nanotechnology, etc.

Chapter 6: Air Pollution from Automobiles and Noise Pollution

This chapter deals with the air pollution from automobiles and noise pollution. It describes the sources, types, effects, and control measures of vehicular emissions such as carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, etc. It also explains the factors influencing vehicular emissions such as engine type, fuel type, driving conditions, emission standards, etc. It also covers the topics of noise pollution such as sources, types, effects, measurement, and control of noise.

Chapter 7: Air Quality Management and Policy

This chapter covers the air quality management and policy approaches and regulatory measures adopted by various countries to combat air pollution. It explains the concepts and objectives of air quality management such as ambient air quality standards, emission standards, emission trading, best available techniques, etc. It also describes some global and regional initiatives and agreements on air pollution such as the Montreal Protocol, the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement, the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, etc. It also presents some case studies of air quality management in different countries such as India, China, USA, UK, etc.

Air Pollution: Prevention and Control Technologies - A Critical Review and Evaluation

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the book?

Some of the strengths of the book are:

  • It provides a comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the various aspects of air pollution with relevant data and information.

  • It adopts a strong interdisciplinary approach by integrating the scientific and engineering aspects of air pollution with the health, social, economic, policy, and regulatory aspects.

  • It addresses the needs of undergraduate/graduate students in science/engineering opting air pollution courses by dealing exhaustively with the fundamental aspects of air pollution with suitable examples and worked out problems.

  • It also serves as a resource material for researchers/practicing professionals in this important area by providing relevant references, case studies, and questions.

  • It uses a simple and clear language with appropriate illustrations, tables, figures, graphs, charts, maps, etc. to enhance the understanding and readability of the book.

  • It offers a global perspective on air pollution by presenting the present global and national air pollution scenarios and the preventive measures adopted by different countries.

Some of the weaknesses of the book are:

  • It may not cover some specific topics or issues related to air pollution in depth or detail due to its broad scope and limited space.

  • It may not reflect some recent developments or changes in air pollution science, technology, policy, or regulation due to its publication date.

  • It may contain some errors or inaccuracies in data or information due to human or technical factors.

How does the book compare with other books on the same topic?

The book is similar to other books on air pollution in terms of its scope, content, structure, and style. However, it differs from other books in terms of its level, approach, and perspective. The book is suitable for undergraduate/graduate students in science/engineering opting air pollution courses at a basic level. It adopts a strong interdisciplinary approach by integrating the scientific and engineering aspects of air pollution with the health, social, economic, policy, and regulatory aspects. It offers a global perspective on air pollution by presenting the present global and national air pollution scenarios and the preventive measures adopted by different countries.

Some of the books that are similar to this book are:

  • Air Pollution: Its Origin and Control by Kenneth Wark, Cecil Warner, and Wayne Davis

  • Air Pollution Engineering Manual by Wayne T. Davis and Air & Waste Management Association

  • Air Pollution: Measurement, Modelling and Mitigation by Jeremy Colls and Abhishek Tiwary

  • Air Quality by Thad Godish and Joshua S. Fu

  • Fundamentals of Air Pollution by Daniel Vallero

Who is the target audience of the book?

The target audience of the book is mainly undergraduate/graduate students in science/engineering opting air pollution courses at a basic level. The book can also be useful for researchers/practicing professionals in this important area who want to update their knowledge and skills on air pollution science, technology, policy, and regulation.

How can the book be used for teaching and learning purposes?

The book can be used as a textbook for air pollution courses in science/engineering programs. It can also be used as a reference book for other related courses such as environmental engineering, environmental science, atmospheric science, etc. The book can also be used for self-study or independent learning by students or professionals who want to learn more about air pollution and control technologies.


In conclusion, Air Pollution: Prevention and Control Technologies by Anjaneyulu Yerramilli is a comprehensive guide on air pollution that covers a wide range of topics from the fundamentals of air pollution to the latest developments in preventive measures, emission standards, modeling techniques, and control technologies. The book adopts a strong interdisciplinary approach by integrating the scientific and engineering aspects of air pollution with the health, social, economic, policy, and regulatory aspects. The book addresses the needs of undergraduate/graduate students in science/engineering opting air pollution courses at a basic level by dealing exhaustively with the fundamental aspects of air pollution with suitable examples and worked out problems. The book also serves as a resource material for researchers/practicing professionals in this important area by providing relevant data, information, references, case studies, and questions. The book uses a simple and clear language with appropriate illustrations, tables, figures, graphs, charts, maps, etc. to enhance the understanding and readability of the book. The book offers a global perspective on air pollution by presenting the present global and national air pollution scenarios and the preventive measures adopted by different countries.

If you are interested in learning more about air pollution and control technologies, we highly recommend you to buy or read this book. You can find it online at or at your local library or bookstore.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the book and their answers:

  • What is the main message of the book?

The main message of the book is that air pollution is a serious environmental problem that affects our health, our climate, our economy, and our quality of life, and that we need to understand, measure, predict, prevent, and control it using an interdisciplinary approach that integrates science, engineering, health, social, economic, policy, and regulatory aspects.

  • What are some of the key takeaways from the book?

Some of the key takeaways from the book are:

  • Air pollutants come from various natural and anthropogenic sources and have different effects on people's health, the natural world, and the built environment.

  • Air pollution dispersion depends on various meteorological factors such as wind speed and direction, atmospheric stability and turbulence, inversion layers, etc.

  • Air quality assessment and prediction require various modeling techniques such as Gaussian plume model, box model, puff model, grid model, trajectory model, etc.

  • Air pollution monitoring and measurement require various methods and instruments such as samplers, analyzers, detectors, sensors, etc.

  • Air pollution prevention and control require various technologies and strategies such as cyclones, scrubbers, electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters, catalytic converters, adsorption systems, etc.

  • Air pollution from automobiles and noise pollution are major sources of environmental and health problems and need to be regulated and controlled.

  • Air quality management and policy require various approaches and regulatory measures such as ambient air quality standards, emission standards, emission trading, best available techniques, etc.

  • How can I apply the knowledge and skills learned from the book to my own context?

You can apply the knowledge and skills learned from the book to your own context by:

  • Being aware of the sources and effects of air pollution in your area and taking actions to reduce your personal exposure and contribution to it.

  • Using the available air quality data and information from online platforms or local authorities to plan your daily activities and protect your health.

  • Supporting the development and implementation of renewable energy sources and low-carbon technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change.

  • Participating in public consultations and advocacy campaigns on air quality issues and influencing policy makers to adopt more stringent and effective air quality policies and regulations.

  • Engaging in public awareness and education campaigns on air pollution issues and promoting behavioral changes such as using public transportation, cycling, walking, carpooling, etc.

  • Where can I find more information or resources on air pollution and control technologies?

You can find more information or resources on air pollution and control technologies from various sources such as:

  • The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which provides data, information, publications, campaigns, and initiatives on air quality issues. You can visit their website at

  • The World Health Organization (WHO), which provides data, information, publications, guidelines, and recommendations on air quality and health issues. You can visit their website at

  • The Clean Air Institute (CAI), which is a non-governmental organization that promotes clean air and sustainable mobility in Latin America and the Caribbean. You can visit their website at

  • The International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection Associations (IUAPPA), which is a global network of national and regional organizations working on air pollution prevention and environmental protection. You can visit their website at

  • The Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA), which is a professional association that provides technical information, education, networking, and career development opportunities for environmental professionals. You can visit their website at



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